by Christopher Rigg, Capital Markets Industry Lead, Sutherland
Asset Management Industry Insights
Global Asset Management Industry
Global Capital Market Industry
Trends & Challenges for Asset Managers and Industry
Trends & Challenges towards Asset Managers
Trends & Challenges towards Asset Management Industry
Insourcing and Outsourcing Scenario in Asset Management
BNY Survey Insights
Outsourcing Trends with Cases
Asset Management Outsourcing Industry Insights
BPO Capital Markets Operations Insights

Armstrong Wolfe
Armstrong Wolfe is a global financial services advisory firm supporting the office of the Chief Operating Officer. The International COO Community (iCOOC) has over 5000 COOs within a managed network and therefore one degree of separation from each other.
We empower this community by providing thought leadership, promoting cross industry dialogue and supporting collaboration, design and execution. We have a unique blend of COO functional expertise which enables us to support iCOOC members through our advisory and project management services. We aid COO career advancement through our business management training institute and support industry wide efforts addressing diversity and inclusion initiatives through our Women in the COO Community and provide career opportunities for all underrepresented groups with the COO Academy.
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