Q4 2024 COO Magazine




Maurice Evlyn-Bufton

CEO, Armstrong Wolfe

Q4 2024 Content

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Restoring Trust in a Fragmented World: The Case for Purpose-Driven Leadership

A roadmap for leaders to align purpose and strategy for long-term trust and value creation. In recent years, news headlines have been littered with scandals across government, media and business.  From high-profile cases of financial misconduct, sexual harassment, cover-ups, and bullying, to the controversy of NDAS, shocking stories of the Post Office Horizon and the infected blood scandals…

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Key to Effective Regulatory Compliance: Robust Governance and Control Framework

Non-financial risks are becoming increasingly critical as the banking industry evolves, and effective management of these risks is essential for maintaining stability and trust in the financial system. Regulatory compliance is a critical non-financial risk for global banks. There has been a surge of regulatory demand over the years which will continue in the foreseeable future.

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3 Ways AI Can Improve Testing for Financial Services IT Projects

How leveraging the newest and most powerful AI tools available can accelerate productivity to levels never previously imagined. “To err is human, but to really foul up requires a computer!” This old saying is just as true today as it was when it was first invented. However, with a proper testing strategy and approach, we can significantly reduce or even eliminate the risk of it becoming a reality.

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