The Chief Control Officer Community

The CCO 1LoD

Armstrong Wolfe’s CCO Community is in its 10th year, an anniversary of a problem not yet resolved.

In April 2014 Deutsche Bank hosted what turned out to be the inaugural CCO Dinners in London and New York, with 20 banks attending each.  Not Control Officers at this stage, COOs attending to discuss the concept of the 1st line control officer, enshrined in a paper written by Armstrong Wolfe’s CEO, Maurice Evlyn-Bufton, No place to hide the evolution of the front office control officer.

10 years and over 120 roundtables later, hosted by iCOOC members in six financial services centres, the community is established as the pre-eminent go-to location for debate and dialogue about the challenges facing the CCO.

It prides itself on the culture of openness and confidence, of debate and detail, where no subject is too small, too granular, and grandiose concepts are for other, not-so-practically focused gatherings.

In 2024 Armstrong Wolfe’s CCO community will sit quarterly in New York and London and half yearly in Singapore and Hong Kong, the debate is ongoing, the issues evolved but are fundamentally the same, where conduct remains the human behavioural challenge yet to be tamed and mastered.

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